
Welcome to Culture Crime News, a (now stagnant) database of antiquities and art crime articles from the popular press.

Sadly the database is no-longer maintained, but what you have here is an archive of several years of media features on art and cultural heritage crime. Use it for what you will.

Could Culture Crime News come back to life? Maybe, but that would mean some sort of funding for help with the site. Unlikely. This was a solo, unfunded side project and I now just don’t have time for it. Alas!

Recent entries

Parthenon Sculptures ignored in ABC TV's `Stuff the British Stole'

(Greece; United States of America)

Fotis Kapetopoulos (2022). Parthenon Sculptures ignored in ABC TV's `Stuff the British Stole'. Neos Kosmos. 29 October.

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The Hindu Bureau (2022). Three antique idols seized from a temple in Nagapattinam. The Hindu. 28 October.

Reportan saqueo de vestigios en Sayula, Jalisco


Juan Carlos Talavera (2022). Reportan saqueo de vestigios en Sayula, Jalisco. Excelsior. 28 October.

Maha: Two held for theft of idols from old temple in Jalna


Press Trust of India (2022). Maha: Two held for theft of idols from old temple in Jalna. Press Trust of India. 28 October.

How Greek Antiquities Slipped Through Nazi Fingers


Stephanie Makri (2022). How Greek Antiquities Slipped Through Nazi Fingers. Greek Reporter. 28 October.