A broken museum, in a broken country: Meet the man trying to save CAR's history

Simon Allison (2017). A broken museum, in a broken country: Meet the man trying to save CAR's history. Mail & Guardian. 24 November.

Title A broken museum, in a broken country: Meet the man trying to save CAR's history
Publication Date 24th Nov 2017
Source Mail & Guardian
Country Central African Republic
Region Africa
Art type Antiquities
Subject Museums, Preservation
Link https://mg.co.za/article/2017-11-24-00-one-mans-lonely-battle-to-save-the-central-african-republics-heritage
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20171124133422/https://mg.co.za/article/2017-11-24-00-one-mans-lonely-battle-to-save-the-central-african-republics-heritage