Tumbas Reales del “Señor de Sipán”: Un hito en la historia del Perú

(Royal Tombs of "the Lord of Sipán": A Milestone in the History of Peru)

Paul Monzón (2021). Tumbas Reales del “Señor de Sipán”: Un hito en la historia del Perú. Travellers. 30 March.

Title Tumbas Reales del “Señor de Sipán”: Un hito en la historia del Perú
Title (translated) Royal Tombs of "the Lord of Sipán": A Milestone in the History of Peru
Publication Date 30th Mar 2021
Source Travellers
Country Peru
Region Americas
Art type Antiquities
Subject Theft, Museums
Link https://www.periodistadigital.com/magazine/viajes/20210330/senor-sipan-hito-historia-peru-noticia-689401742063/
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20210330183242/https://www.periodistadigital.com/magazine/viajes/20210330/senor-sipan-hito-historia-peru-noticia-689401742063/