Hallan 14 tumbas pertenecientes a culturas Mochica, Chimú y Lambayeque

(14 tombs of the Moche, Chimu, and Lambayeque cultures found)

Andina (2015). Hallan 14 tumbas pertenecientes a culturas Mochica, Chimú y Lambayeque. Andina. 27 June.

Title Hallan 14 tumbas pertenecientes a culturas Mochica, Chimú y Lambayeque
Title (translated) 14 tombs of the Moche, Chimu, and Lambayeque cultures found
Publication Date 27th Jun 2015
Source Andina
Country Peru
Region Americas
Art type Antiquities
Subject Preservation
Comments The 14 new tombs were found in an area that was looted 10 years ago. Archaeologist Walter Alva says they are working so that won't happen again.
Link http://www.andina.com.pe/agencia/noticia-hallan-14-tumbas-pertenecientes-a-culturas-mochica-chimu-y-lambayeque-562878.aspx
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150628060808/http://www.andina.com.pe/agencia/noticia-hallan-14-tumbas-pertenecientes-a-culturas-mochica-chimu-y-lambayeque-562878.aspx