"When they are destroyed they are gone permanently": Museum asks detectorists not to melt Civil War musket and cannon balls

Ben Miller (2015). "When they are destroyed they are gone permanently": Museum asks detectorists not to melt Civil War musket and cannon balls. Culture 24. 16 July.

Title "When they are destroyed they are gone permanently": Museum asks detectorists not to melt Civil War musket and cannon balls
Publication Date 16th Jul 2015
Source Culture 24
Country United Kingdom
Region Europe
Art type Militaria, Antiquities
Subject Threat
Comments Please don't sell artefacts as lead scrap. Please.
Link http://www.culture24.org.uk/history-and-heritage/archaeology/art532096-when-they-are-destroyed-they-are-gone-permanently-museum-asks-detectorists-not-to-melt-civil-war-musket-balls
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150721063212/http://www.culture24.org.uk/history-and-heritage/archaeology/art532096-when-they-are-destroyed-they-are-gone-permanently-museum-asks-detectorists-not-to-melt-civil-war-musket-balls