Lowry's paintings are worth a fortune - but can you tell the real ones from the fakes?

Terry Payne (2015). Lowry's paintings are worth a fortune - but can you tell the real ones from the fakes?. Radio Times. 5 July.

Title Lowry's paintings are worth a fortune - but can you tell the real ones from the fakes?
Publication Date 5th Jul 2015
Source Radio Times
Country United Kingdom
Region Europe
Art type Art
Subject Fakes
Comments The article asserts that Lowry's style lends itself to faking.
Link http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2015-07-05/lowrys-paintings-are-worth-a-fortune---but-can-you-tell-the-real-ones-from-the-fakes
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150705103155/http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2015-07-05/lowrys-paintings-are-worth-a-fortune---but-can-you-tell-the-real-ones-from-the-fakes