Un trésor oublié depuis trente ans rendu á un peuple amérindien

(A treasure lost for 30 years is returned to a Native American community)

Amaury Peyrach' (2016). Un trésor oublié depuis trente ans rendu á un peuple amérindien. Le Figaro. 5 February.

Title Un trésor oublié depuis trente ans rendu á un peuple amérindien
Title (translated) A treasure lost for 30 years is returned to a Native American community
Publication Date 5th Feb 2016
Source Le Figaro
Country Colombia, France
Region Americas, Europe
Art type Antiquities
Subject Return
Comments A rare case of cultural objects actually being returned to the community. The Kogis get their artefacts back.
Link http://www.lefigaro.fr/international/2016/02/05/01003-20160205ARTFIG00180-un-tresor-oublie-depuis-trente-ans-rendu-a-un-peuple-amerindien.php
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20160219181617/http://www.lefigaro.fr/international/2016/02/05/01003-20160205ARTFIG00180-un-tresor-oublie-depuis-trente-ans-rendu-a-un-peuple-amerindien.php